Houston, we have a problem. We see this country as close to out of control on a daily basis. There’s the President who is, at best, aging poorly and, at worst, is in the throws of mental diminishment that makes it impossible for him to do his job, and a Congress that works harder at sound-bites than it does on actual appropriate legislation (assuming more laws are needed) to solve the problems facing the US today.
Every news report, every hearing, every prognostication by the talking heads says the same thing: “Don’t believe your lying eyes, believe the government.” But we don’t.
There’s too much evidence that the government – both parties – is working overtime to pull the wool over our eyes. They aren’t even stealthy anymore, saying these ridiculous things in plain text. States allowing illegal aliens to work for the government in positions where they will be capable of affecting the lives of citizens just sounds wrong, yet California is pursuing just this course.
When we look at how the Biden administration acts toward illegal aliens we see a lack of commitment to the law. We are so perturbed about this that we decided to research exactly how illegals should be treated under law. No exceptions for anything, what does the law say.
In the United States, all individuals regardless of their immigration status are entitled to certain rights under the Constitution and federal law. However, the extent of these rights can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the context in which they arise
For example:
Civil Rights and Liberties: The Constitution protects certain fundamental rights and liberties for all individuals within the United States, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to due process under the law. These rights apply to both citizens and non-citizens alike.
Criminal Rights: Non-citizens who are arrested or detained by law enforcement have certain rights such as the right to remain silent and the right to legal representation. These rights are outlined in the Miranda warning, which is to be provided to anyone taken into custody by law enforcement.
Access to Courts: Non-citizens generally have access to the courts to seek redress for grievances, including the right to a fair trial. This includes both civil and criminal proceedings.
Protections Against Discrimination: Non-citizens are also protected from discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, or other factors under federal anti-discrimination laws.
However, there are certain rights and benefits that are reserved specifically for US citizens, such as the right to vote in federal elections, eligibility for certain government benefits, and eligibility for certain government jobs. Additionally, immigration status can impact eligibility for certain rights and benefits, such as the ability to work legally in the United States or to travel internationally.
Overall, while there are distinctions between the rights afforded to US citizens and non-citizens, the US legal system does provide certain fundamental rights and protections to all individuals within its jurisdiction, regardless of their citizenship status.
When we look at the rights and privileges afforded to illegals we see that there are some very restricting issues there for which we will forever be thankful. An illegal cannot hold any job here in the US, as they don’t have a green card, work permit, or visa that allows them employment. So they can’t work. How will they live?
From the federal perspective, illegals are not eligible for assistance payments. In the United States, eligibility for welfare programs, such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Medicaid, is generally restricted to US citizens and certain qualified non-citizens.
Undocumented immigrants, often referred to as "illegal aliens," are typically not eligible for federal welfare benefits. However, there are some exceptions at the state level. Some states have chosen to provide certain benefits to undocumented immigrants such as emergency medical care or in-state tuition rates for colleges and universities.
So except for some states that provide benefits to illegals, they are not able to support themselves on the taxpayers’ tab. Those states providing benefits are on their own as far as paying the cost of benefits are concerned. If California wishes to provide emergency medical care to illegals, it’s California’s decision and California’s debt. That’s fair, if naive.
Overall we believe that providing anything to illegals other than humanitarian aid – emergency medical intervention is a prime example – is to encourage illegals to come here. They need to be sent back where they came from. Or, if claiming refugee status, they should be sent back to the first country they entered when they fled their country of origin. That’s the accepted protocol; if you are afraid you will be harmed in your native country you can claim asylum in the first country you enter and not wait to get to the US. Most asylum seekers should be asking for relief in Mexico, but they don’t. Sort of puts the lie to the danger they’re fleeing.
We can’t have this discussion without bringing up the lack of honesty shown by the federal government. The heads of federal departments – Alejandro Mayorkas is a prime example – are arrogant, hostile, fanatic, and wrong. Just listening to his deflections and outright lies is enough to make us want to remove him from office. The fact that he’s still there says the government can’t or won’t do the right thing, no matter what that is.
The border’s wide open, no matter what the government says. Border states have the Constitutional right to defend themselves from the illegal invasion, yet the federal government insists they do not and vigorously pursues this strategy in the courts. It seems those in power want illegals to come here; they want them to stress our medical and education and social infrastructure. They want chaos in our cities as gangs from other countries establish their turf here in the US.
All these issues are serious and need to be addressed. The best way, in our opinion, is to close the border and search for illegals. All of them. When found, deport them. All of them. Anchor baby? Goes with mama and can come back when they’re old enough. Get rid of every last one. If you’ve overstayed your visa, get on the next flight, because you’re gone. Here on a student visa and break the law? Go home or get sent there. No ifs, no ands, not buts. If you are not legal you’re gone.
And to put a cap on all of this, the people should never vote for someone who supports illegals being here, who doesn’t actively work to remove them. In this case, it’s my way or the highway, and the Constitution is the road map.
We can’t ask often enough that you contribute to a charity or organization that is taking care of the hurricane victims. The government certainly is less than aggressive in their disaster response and people still need help. We recommend Samaritan's Purse or Mercury One as already on the ground and doing excellent work. Thank you.
Extremely well put-I'll link it to Surber-perhaps all his subscribers will link, etc
There is much more to this than just the criminals in our government: Who Is Really Behind Our Illegal Immigration? https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal